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Guest Post – Wally Bock

No, I didn't just get better looking...I have a torrid travel schedule over the next few weeks and have enlisted a few friends to pinch-hit with guest posts in my absence. First up is Wally Bock, who while being my senior looks 10 years younger. I really hate that, but I digress... For those of you not familiar with Wally, you're in for a real treat. Wally is a seasoned pro well known for his…

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Interview: Rebel Brown

Today's interview is with noted turnaround specialist Rebel Brown (@rebelbrown). Rebel has more than 25 turnaround engagements under her belt - she knows what it takes to be a successful leader in not just the good times, but in the toughest of times. I can tell you from personal experience, few things test your metal as a leader more than leading a turnaround.  Today also happens to be the…

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15 Traits of Great Leaders

Today's post will make the case for leadership development. While much has been written about the traits and characteristics that form great leaders, the truth is that leaders come in many different varieties...there is no one-size-fits-all formula for leadership. That said, all good leaders possess certain core qualities, and great leaders simply develop said core qualities to a higher level…

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CEO Success: It’s Not Random

Success is not random...CEOs need to realize that neither their success nor their failure is a random act. CEOs also can rarely lay blame for their victories and losses on anyone other than themselves. Top CEOs have a knack for consistently exhibiting the right combination of skill sets, competencies, leadership aptitude, and decisioning ability. Failed CEOs simply do not. Having success as a CEO…

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The Impact of Trends on Business

Trends have a significant impact on business. Does your business exploit trends or do they exploit your business? What was the latest fad chased or trend adopted by your business? Why did your management team jump on the bandwagon? Has the trend or fad generated an increase in revenue or gains in efficiency and/or productivity? In today's blog post I'll examine the impact trends can have on your…

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10 Things That Sell

Each week I receive a tremendous volume of e-mail asking questions about a wide variety of business topics. I received one of these e-mails yesterday which piqued my curiosity as it was not only a great question, but it also challenged me to answer the question in a specific format. The question was: "Can you provide a list of 10 things that appeal to buyers, and explain why they appeal to buyers…

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Strengths vs. Weaknesses

Should you play to your strengths or shore-up your weaknesses? If you pose this question to a group of professionals some will answer play to your strengths, some will answer shore-up weaknesses and others will answer both. The truth is that they are all correct to a degree...The real answer lies in understanding the context, environment, and priority of the situation to which the question is…

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Cutting Employee Churn

Today's Myatt on Monday's question comes from a CEO who asked: "Our employee turnover is higher than I would like it to be. If you had to point out one factor that drives employee churn, what would that be?" Few things in business are as costly and disruptive as having the proverbial revolving door for employees to exit from. Even worse is not knowing how to stop the door from turning. While an…

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Why Accountability Matters

Accountability and transparency are hot topics today, and rightly so...Given this new found popularity, I felt that a piece delving into the topic of accountability would be both prudent and timely. Frankly, considering what the lack of accountability has done to our nation's economy and political structure we should all be spending more time on the topic. However the truth is that few people…

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Are You Culturally Savvy?

What do I mean by culturally savvy? I am not addressing the topic of being politically correct, rather I want you to focus on the importance of simply being cognizant that there is a larger cultural impact on how business is conducted today than ever before. Cultural differences often exist within the same companies...they certainly exist between different companies. Without question, there are…

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Fear, Failure, Risk and Success

Because risk management as it applies to executive decisioning is a subject that is not adequately addressed in the educational world, it is often left to lessons of experience. As such, learning how to recognize, understand, quantify, and manage risk is one of those lessons that often comes at a very high price. While each individual has a different tolerance for risk, it is how a person chooses…

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Understanding Your Customers

Many businesses find that understanding their customer base is often easier said than done, which is why I've written often on the importance of maintaining an external focus with an emphasis on customer centricity. Let me put this as simply as I can...If you want to succeed in business, you must be in touch with the demands of the marketplace. While many businesses think they understand their…

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Leadership vs. Management

As a person who makes their living in the field of leadership, I can tell you without any doubt that "Leadership" is different than "Management." While there seems to be a never-ending stream of politically correct pontificating in corporate circles about the differences between managers and leaders, most of it misses the mark. Leaders and managers play different roles and have different…

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Family Business

Family Business...a quote from Charles Dickens sums up my feelings about family businesses: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Oh what a conundrum...Family business; should I, or shouldn't I? Today's Myatt on Monday's question comes from an entrepreneur who asks: "Should I involve family members in my business venture?" In my opinion there really isn't a right or wrong answer…

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Top Leadership Movies

Top leadership movies...you may be thinking "can anything about leadership actually be learned by watching movies?" You bet. I was recently asked for my opinion about which movies I felt were the top leadership movies of all time. After thinking about my answer for a few minutes, I realized that while not all leaders are fans of cinema, all leaders can certainly learn valuable leadership lessons…

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Common Website Mistakes

For years now I have consistently received inquiries from CEOs who wonder why their web initiatives are falling short of reaching their objectives. Because most of these inquiries come from executives suffering from web maladies of a similar nature, I decided to put forth a list of what I consider to be the 20 most common website mistakes hindering success on the Internet. The sad part about the…

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