Addicted to Wealth

“Wealth is like sea-water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become.” ~Arthur Schopenhauer, German Philosopher If Schopenhauer’s quote is true, then the mining magnate, Gina Rinehart (one of the richest women in the world who’s worth an estimated $12 billion) is very thirsty indeed. As quoted in several leading magazines, she says, “There is no monopoly on becoming a millionaire. If you’re…

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The Brilliance Of Naiveté

I was speaking with a colleague last week who at one point in our conversation referred a third party as being naïve, to which my response was, “I’m not so sure that’s a bad thing – perhaps we should all be a bit more naïve.”  The seed I was trying to plant was that if people (particularly those in leadership) spent less time defending what they think they know, and more time exploring the vast…

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How To Find The Perfect Job

For some, getting a job (much less the right job) has never been more difficult. They struggle with knowing how to navigate in a complicated, noisy world where the global job market is messy and very competitive. For others, it doesn’t matter what’s going on in the job market, because finding the perfect position never seems to present a challenge. The latter group knows a few secrets the former…

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The Leadership Lesson They Don’t Teach In Business School

I’ve always believed leadership exists to disrupt mediocrity, but I’m afraid in recent times many leaders are losing that battle. Somewhere along the way, they threw in the towel and settled for a weak-kneed, watered-down version of leadership – they have rationalized and justified themselves into an acceptance of mediocrity. The sad reality is that in many cases, the education, training, and…

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When in Doubt, Rehearse!

Lately I’ve seen several leaders trip over the unexpected outcome of a grand plan. They failed to anticipate the mistakes and mishaps that happen in all organizations.  When I see an outcome surprise a leader, I’m reminded of a lesson I learned years ago from my Dad. He had been a great football coach and when I expressed interest in playing quarterback, he agreed to teach me how.  He taught me…

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5 Signs You’re Not As Smart As You Think

5 Signs You’re Not As Smart As You Think-- My question is this: Is your intellect an asset or liability? All one has to do is watch a very bright person defend their position to understand what I'm driving at with today's post. Observing intelligent people lecture, spin, posture, position, cajole, argue, rationalize, or justify their beliefs in order to "get the win" is oftentimes entertaining,…

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Leadership & The Expectation Gap

When it comes to leadership, I can share the issues of creating and delivering on expectations are no small matter. In fact, understanding how to come out on the right side of the expectation curve can often be the difference between being viewed as an average leader and one held in high regard. Let me make this as simple as I can; managing expectations is gamesmanship - aligning them is…

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Why the “F” Bomb Shouldn’t Be Dropped

I recently read an interesting article on The Wall Street Journal discussing the use of colorful language in business settings. It prompted me to re-post an earlier piece I authored on the same subject. While both perspectives cover some of the same ground, the article in The Journal hedges a bit too much for my taste. You'll find my piece a bit more direct and firm in expressing there is NEVER a…

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Is Blogging Dead?

I read an interesting article in Inc. Magazine entitled "Where Have All the Bloggers Gone?" If you read this article it would lead you to believe blogging is in decline and on it's way out as a marketing tool. The article cites a study from the University of Massachusetts in which the respondents (170 executives from Inc. 500 companies) indicated the use of blogging was down 13% from the prior…

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Managing The Board | 10 Things Every CEO Should Know

I've yet to meet a CEO who at some point in time hasn't been frustrated by their board - it goes with the territory. That said, it should be the exception and not the rule. Ultimately, chief executives deserve the board relationships they develop. As a CEO, your board can be one of your greatest allies. Conversely, and just as easily, they can be a significant contributor to your undoing…

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Is the Customer Always Right?

Is the customer really always right? How far should a company go to satisfy their clientele or customer base? What is the lost opportunity cost associated with customer churn? Is there a point when satisfying the customer is actually harmful to the enterprise, or back to the original question, is the customer always right? In today's post I'll share my opinion as to the validity of this old…

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When to Restructure

To restructure or not to restructure? When to restructure is the question many a business is forced to ask at some point during their life cycle. The mere discussion of corporate reengineering can cause fear, anxiety, and in some cases even panic. This is so much the case that some CEOs will avoid restructuring initiatives at all costs. There are even some business theorists that warn against…

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Contingency Planning

The best leaders always have a back-up plan, so my question to you is: what's your Plan B? My experience with most executives & entrepreneurs is they are totally committed to and focused on success. As a result, many of them tend to have a major blind-spot (translation: weakness) when it comes to the anticipation of setbacks.  While this is understandable, it is nonetheless naive, and it…

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Is Your Message Relevant?

When was the last time you bothered to read, watch, or listen to a message that wasn't relevant to your needs? Great leaders understand the power, influence, and leverage created by relevant messaging. Put simply, relevant messages are engaging because they connect - they add value. Great (relevant) messages usually contain one or more of the following aspects: they are timely, informative,…

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The Downside of Passion

Review any list of positive leadership traits and "passion" will undoubtedly rank near the top - rightly so. In most cases, passion is an asset capable of carrying you through tough times, sharpening your perspective, revealing purpose, and helping you succeed in the face of overwhelming odds. You'll find no shortage of content describing the positive attributes of passion, but few that examine…

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Greatness & Tragedy

Few things highlight great acts of selflessness and heroism more than tragedy. This weekend's helicopter crash in Afghanistan was a horrific loss for the families of our fallen warriors, but also for our nation as a whole. The men who perished in the crash were in fact our nation's best. They were courageous men who placed service above self, who went places and did things that most of us could…

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