Insightful Analysis: What Sets Our C-Suite Evaluation Process Apart

Understanding the Purpose: Defining the objectives and goals of our C-Suite evaluation process. Defining the objectives and goals of our C-Suite evaluation process is a crucial step in ensuring its effectiveness. As a consulting professional who works with top executives in the world's largest companies, we understand that every organization has unique needs and challenges. Therefore, our…

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Executive Evolution: How Performance Coaching Transforms Leadership

The Role of High-Impact Performance Coaching in Leadership Development of Executives Performance coaching is pivotal in developing executive leaders in today's dynamic business environment. As an executive coaching professional who works with top executives in the world's largest companies, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of coaching in shaping effective leaders. Leaders face…

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Executive Onboarding: How to Set Up Your New Execs for Success

When it comes to the success of new executives in your organization, just about nothing plays as critical a role as onboarding. Sure, a new hire could be a highly-skilled, perfect-match leader eager to start. But without proper onboarding, these executives are far less likely to excel in their roles, resulting in high and costly turnover. This is especially true for senior-level placements…

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How to Achieve Greater Board Effectiveness With a Board Advisory Partner

Is your board of directors operating at its maximum effectiveness? Today's boards make critical decisions that have profound organizational impacts, all while upholding their fiduciary duty of acting in the best interest of shareholders.  Besides, boards must perform under today's strenuous economic conditions and nail-biting market competition. For boards to maximize their impact, make the…

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How Startups Can Revamp Their Executive Leadership Talent for Growth

Organizations, particularly startups, require changes in executive leadership talent in the business lifecycle to capitalize on growth potential. Sometimes CEOs are late to make the necessary executive team changes, which comes at a cost. Today, I’d like to share some examples and critical considerations for companies that fit in this category. NerdWallet is an example of when the rapidly growing…

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4 Strategies To Overcome the Executive Hiring Challenges of Today

The process of sourcing, interviewing, hiring, and onboarding an executive continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Many corporations are overhauling their approach to hiring executives and are more open-minded to change than ever before. I recently had coffee with a newly retired HR executive for a Fortune 500 healthcare company and learned The Great Resignation had worked its way up to the…

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Today’s Global Talent Trends in Mining Executive Search and Recruitment

By Sandra Burmeister and Kelli Vukelic Early figures and forecasts show that the mining sector is in for one of the most robust years off the back of the soaring demand for commodities and the industry's impressive rebound in the second half of 2021. Even so, the sector is still grappling with a plateful of hot-button issues, including social restructuring, environmental protection, and the…

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When a CFO’s “Head In The Cloud” Is a Good Thing

Having a CFO with a "head in the cloud" might be a good thing if we're talking about cloud computing, cognitive technologies, and AI that has significantly influenced this role. The evolutionary path of the Chief Financial Officer continues with assuming the driving seat in companies' digital transformation. Still, although they've come a long way, these professionals face a relatively steep road…

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Improving Leadership Bench Strength

In our meetings with CEOs and HR directors, it is evident there is a growing concern within organizations needing to strengthen current leaders and support the bench of the future ones. After reading Gartner's report on How to Build Leadership Bench Strength, these are my conclusions: HR already invests 23% of its Training and Development budget in Leadership and 27% on the high potential…

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Succession in the Real World- With John H. Tyson, Chairman of the Board at Tyson Foods

Succession is one of the most popular shows on HBO. It’s sometimes even mentioned in the same breath as The Sopranos, Game of Thrones, and Veep. Succession showcases super-rich, but deeply flawed characters who struggle for power and seem to face an endless maze of existential conflict.  Viewers love watching the spoiled family members teeter on a knife’s edge of recognizable and relatable,…

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Leaders Live in A Glass House with Arjan van Weele

Arjan van Weele, a Professor of Purchasing and Supply Management living in the Netherlands, discusses his perspective on leadership competencies that apply for any leader, no matter where you are within your career journey. Interview Summary JH: The Fourth Industrial Revolution brings unique and new dynamics when it comes to leading. There is a new business context that is happening worldwide,…

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Gray Versus Green: Who Makes the Better Start-Up CEO?

This article was co-authored by Laura Musgrave, Kevin Bijas, and Jeffrey Cohn. “People over 45 basically die in terms of new ideas." said venture capitalist Vinod Khosla in 2011.  “People under 35 are the people who make change happen,” he further asserted.  Taking the exact opposite tack, in a recent CNBC interview, Alan Patricof, founder of Greycroft Partners, an elite venture capital firm,…

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Direction, Alignment, and Commitment with Gerard Coops PhD.

Gerard Coops, Managing Director of HuReMa Consulting in the Netherlands, discusses the fact in a recent survey 80% of CEOs revealed they do not have the talent within their organization to execute on their current strategies. Because I found this disturbing, I wanted to dig deeper into what Gerard believes we can do to correct this leadership failure.  JH: Gerard, let us attack the obvious first…

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Leadership Interview: Go Beyond The Obvious with Anil Joshi

I sat down with Anil Joshi, an International Leadership Expert, to discuss all things leadership. Anil has a reputation of having a "global plug-and-play" mindset.  He grew up in diplomatic circles so his cultural awareness, sensitivity, and experience started from birth and gave Anil an additional advantage as an adaptive business-driven inter-culturalist. Born in China in 1962, he has lived in…

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Leadership Interview: Rethinking The Future of Work

In a recent conversation with Sandile Hlophe, Partner and executive leader with EY-Africa, we discussed some ideas around what the future of work could look like over the next few years.  Even though this interview took place before the COVID-19 pandemic, I still believe the topic will be just as relevant as we emerge from the global disruption.  Leadership Interview Summary JH: I am always…

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The Future of Work Is Flexibility

The future of work is flexibility, and for many, it was an unwelcome surprise.  In the last few years, many organizations have granted employees the ability to adjust their start and end times, work certain days from home, and "allowed" for unlimited personal time off. These are all considerable changes but for many, they long for more. The common theme amongst all these initiatives is…

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