Focus on Performance

I'm going old-school with today's message - it's going to be direct, and to the point...focus on performance. One of my pet peeves is the voluminous amount of management speak and self-help propaganda currently in circulation designed to codify a lack of performance. I'm an individual that believes in clear and direct communication, so I'll spare you the rhetoric and just do what I do best...cut…

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Boosting Personal Productivity

Has the speed at which business is transacted in the 21st Century completely overwhelmed you? Now that we're approaching the end of the year, have you been as productive as you'd hoped for? Do you find yourself flirting with disaster by constantly brushing up against deadlines? Are your work hours increasing without a corresponding increase in income or satisfaction? Do you wish you had more time…

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Managing Outlook

Managing Outlook is nothing short of a pain in the *** if you don't pay attention to it. In coaching top CEOs and entrepreneurs I find that one thing they all have in common is an overabundance of e-mail. When e-mail was originally labeled as the "Killer App" it was because the e-mail was thought to be the ultimate productivity enhancement tool. Regrettably, I believe e-mail has become the…

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Productivity for CEOs

Understanding how to maximize CEO productivity becomes even more critical during recessionary times. Oddly enough, when it comes to productivity at the C-suite, many CEOs tend to struggle with determining what constitutes the highest and best use of their time.  It has been my experience that all CEOs, regardless of tenure or ability, tend to find themselves conflicted with this issue at some…

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How Productive Are You?

"How Productive Are You?" Let's face it, productivity is the standard by which most of us are judged in the business world. At the end of the day, in most business environments, your destiny is likely to come down to a "what have you done for me lately" type of evaluation. My question to you is this...Are you as productive as you think you are, or even as productive as you used to be? Would your…

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Time Is A Key Success Metric

Even though time is a key success metric I am always amazed at how many executives don't manage it as such. Time is indeed a precious and finite commodity and those professionals that manage it wisely are those that achieve the greatest results. Show me an executive that doesn't leverage time to its highest and best use and I'll show you an executive likely to be replaced by one that can. In…

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