The Secret to Making Better Hires

The Secret To Making Better Hires

Why do so many companies struggle when it comes to making great hires? They overlook the obvious. In other words, the people doing the hiring fail to understand, look for, and qualify the one characteristic that indicates the certainty of a good…

0 Comments6 Minutes

Leadership & President's Day

Leadership & President’s Day

Since we’re headed into President’s Day weekend, I thought I’d re-post a piece that examines the leadership characteristics of the two Presidents for which the holiday is celebrated; George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. It's an astute person who…

20 Comments10 Minutes

The Power Of 'What If'

The Power Of “What If”

What if? What if you could reinvent your business? What if you could change the perception of your brand? What if you could break from the status quo? What if you could attract better talent? What if you could reenergize your corporate culture? What…

0 Comments5 Minutes

Leadership Timing and Opportunity

Leadership, Timing and Opportunity

What's more important - skill, luck, or timing? The message I want to deliver is this; opportunity and timing are inexorably linked. So much so, that if you don't think that timing is everything - think again. Even a cursory review of current events…

6 Comments7 Minutes

Attitude Reflects Leadership

Attitude Reflects Leadership

My question for you today is a simple one: ”How’s Your Attitude?” Show me a CEO with a bad attitude and I’ll show you a poor leader- attitude reflects leadership and your overall impact. While this sounds simple enough at face value, I have…

18 Comments7 Minutes

The Disconnected Leader

The Disconnected Leader

Even though few would dispute the value of being an engaged leader, many still do not practice what they preach. The harsh reality is great numbers of leaders continue to operate in a vacuum by sequestering themselves away in the corner office and…

15 Comments8 Minutes

Leadership Is About Leading

Leadership Is About Leading

Leadership is about leading. Leadership is a 24-7-365 endeavor. In fact, I'd go so far as to say the best leaders view what they do as a calling and not just a job. If you're a leader, what you do in public or private, in silence or in word, and in…

11 Comments4 Minutes

year end bonus. should executives give out a bonus?

The Year End Bonus – Do You Or Don’t You?

Bonus or no bonus? That is the question. This is the time of year where expectations are high, and so is the volume of chatter around the water cooler in anticipation of that great corporate tradition - the year-end bonus. So what’s it going to be…

0 Comments9 Minutes

Leadership and Making Choices

Leadership And Making Choices

Choice; it’s a simple, yet critical aspect of leadership. Academics and business theorists often gloss over the basics of leadership preferring to trivialize their importance. It’s far too easy for those with an elitist approach to leadership to…

10 Comments4 Minutes

Leadership and White Space

Leadership and White Space

In my most recent column on Forbes I briefly discussed the value of white space as it relates to "span of control" but felt the topic deserved a deeper dive. Here's something you might not want to hear, but you should definitely take to heart - If…

14 Comments8 Minutes

5 signs you need to rethink your leadership

5 Signs You’re Not As Smart As You Think

5 Signs You’re Not As Smart As You Think-- My question is this: Is your intellect an asset or liability? All one has to do is watch a very bright person defend their position to understand what I'm driving at with today's post. Observing intelligent…

13 Comments9 Minutes

Does Size Really Matter?

Does Size Really Matter?

Does size really matter? Should you go big or go home, or does quality win out over quantity? The fascination business leaders have with size has always both intrigued yet perplexed me. Is empire building and the pursuit of category dominance a…

0 Comments4 Minutes

No Excuses | Real Leadership

No Excuses = Real Leadership

Leaders don’t offer, nor do they accept excuses. Real leadership demands the character to demonstrate personal responsibility for one’s actions, and the courage to hold others accountable for theirs. Excuses attempt to conceal personal or…

13 Comments4 Minutes

15 Ways To Identify Bad Leaders

15 Ways to Identify Bad Leadership Qualities

Bad Leadership Qualities: 15 Ways to Identify Bad Leaders It’s important to realize that just because someone holds a leadership position doesn’t necessarily mean they should. Put another way; not all leaders are created equal. Many organizations…

0 Comments14 Minutes

Big Data | Not All Metrics Are Created Equal

Big Data – Not All Metrics Are Created Equal

When it works, Big Data can be a beautiful thing - what organization wouldn't want more actionable information with which to feed better data driven decisions in the quest for a competitive advantage? But in the race to acquire Big Data, leaders can…

2 Comments7 Minutes

The 1 Reason CEO Successions Fail | CEO Successions

The #1 Reason CEO Successions Fail

With all eyeballs on Marissa Mayer at Yahoo and Tim Cook at Apple, CEO succession is a hot topic these days – and rightly so. Few things adversely impact corporate culture, shareholder value, or brand equity like a failed CEO. In today’s column,…

0 Comments8 Minutes