Consultants: Resistance Is Futile

When you look back on your career, you remember the jobs you took, the jobs you declined, the opportunities realized and the opportunities lost.  You remember the special people along the way; the great bosses, mentors, coaches and the lifelong friends.   You also remember the Consultants.  As a consumer of consulting services for more years than I care to admit, I have developed a well defined…

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5 Positions Companies Need To Navigate Digital Transformation

“The last 10 years have been about building a world that is mobile-first. In the next 10 years, we will shift to a world that is AI-first.”, Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, October 2016 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at a tipping point, leading a watershed shift to digital intelligence by discovering previously unseen patterns, drawing new inferences, and identifying new relationships from vast…

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The Teslatisation of the Boardroom

I am taking a break at Grand Cafe Loos in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. My mind is spinning around as I try to defragment and reorganize the many experiences, images, and memories that have made this such a fascinating year. It's easy to pick out the large, juicy chunks, which have captivated most of us around the globe: political upheaval, geopolitical instability, corporate scandals to name but a…

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