Culture Trumps Strategy – Not

Does culture trump strategy? I think not, and I'll explain why. Even though I have seen this phrase quoted by some very bright people whom I respect, it just doesn't resonate with me. I thought perhaps I was misunderstanding what was being said, so I decided to Google the phrase "Culture Trumps Strategy" and found that Stanford offered an Entrepreneurship Lecture by this title, I found several…

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Questions and Team Building for CEOs

An army of one isn't really much of an army is it? And I can assure you that any CEO who views him or herself as an army of one will fail. Whether you like it or not, your success as a CEO will be largely tied to your team building ability. Not only do great CEOs understand how to recruit a top executive team, but they also understand how to build cohesion among team members through collaboration…

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Why Consensus Kills Team Building

I read an interesting post by Dan Rockwell (@LeadershipFreak) entitled "Six ways to make teams work" and found myself in complete agreement with Dan on 5 out of the 6 points. Where Dan lost me was on point #4 - Teams Decide by Consensus. In recent months I have observed a decent amount of politically correct discourse on the topic of team building, consensus and equality. The gist of the argument…

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Values Based Hiring

Why play a game of chance when you don't have to? I was casually reading the results of a survey on the topic of hiring methodologies last weekend when one particular survey question really caught my attention: "When considering a new hire, what is the one characteristic or attribute of the candidate that would most influence your hiring decision?" The "right" answer seemed quite obvious to me,…

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Truth Matters…

There is simply no substitute for the truth. That said, how do you measure a person's positional conviction? How do you know if someone is sincere in their communication? How do you know if you're being told the truth, or just being spoken to in a manner designed to elicit the desired response? Listen to what's being said... When attempting to evaluate the shifting sands of fluid messaging, or…

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Cutting Employee Churn

Today's Myatt on Monday's question comes from a CEO who asked: "Our employee turnover is higher than I would like it to be. If you had to point out one factor that drives employee churn, what would that be?" Few things in business are as costly and disruptive as having the proverbial revolving door for employees to exit from. Even worse is not knowing how to stop the door from turning. While an…

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Are You Culturally Savvy?

What do I mean by culturally savvy? I am not addressing the topic of being politically correct, rather I want you to focus on the importance of simply being cognizant that there is a larger cultural impact on how business is conducted today than ever before. Cultural differences often exist within the same companies...they certainly exist between different companies. Without question, there are…

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Employee Retention

Employee retention discussions are often reserved for burgeoning economic times when competition for talent is high. Therefore it holds true that during tough economic times, when unemployment is high, employee retention quite frequently just gets ignored. Today's Myatt on Monday's question comes from a CEO who asks: "In a post earlier this month ("Workforce Reduction") you criticized CEOs who…

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Rogue CEOs & Board Accountability

Rogue CEOs...given the recent failure of banks and financial institutions previously thought to be untouchable, there has been a tremendous amount of justifiable venom being spewed at the CEOs of these firms. Their ignorance, and in some cases their arrogance, allowed these rogue CEOs to operate outside of normal business rules, conduct self-serving agendas, and partake in self-dealing…

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Risk Management Made Easy

Accountability is the lowest cost, most practical, and most productive form of risk management and quality assurance that can be implemented across an enterprise. Put simply, accountability is really nothing more than a common-sense understanding that decisions made within a framework are going to have a greater chance of success than those made in a vacuum. What type of checks and balances…

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Say Yes to Corporate Alumni

No company is immune to the perils of employee turnover. But what if I told you that there was a way to recoup some of the investments made into former employees? While I'm sure each of us can easily recall those former employees that we were glad to part company with, it might not be so easy to recall those good employees that got away from us. Even the best of companies will from time-to-time…

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How to Create Passion in the Workplace

Creating a passionate workplace is not as simple as one would like to think. I've written often on the important role that passion plays in personal success and fulfillment (see "Passion equals Purpose"). However in today's post I want to offer a bit of a different take on the value of passion...In the text that follows I'll examine the impact of passion as a key success metric for the overall…

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