Unveiling the Symbiosis: Private Equity’s Affinity with Tech Services

Recently, the realm of tech and tech-enabled services has been basking in the spotlight, showcasing remarkable growth, enduring client engagements, and robust profitability. This momentum propels further as investors, ranging from sizable private capital cohorts to mid-market aficionados, are forging active alliances with service-centric enterprises. The shift in business ownership dynamics…

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The Chief Digital Officer’s Role in Cultivating a Digital Ecosystem

Understanding the Chief Digital Officer's Position Strong leadership is consistently emphasized as technology becomes increasingly prevalent worldwide. This is where the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) comes in. A CDO acts as a catalyst, driving a company's strategic growth by making the most of digital technologies. Their primary responsibility is to align the organization's digital strategy with…

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Sustainable Growth Strategies: How Top Executives Are Innovating for a Greener Future

Embracing the Shift Towards Eco-Friendly Green Business Practices In today's business environment, sustainability has become an essential component of corporate strategy. Forward-thinking organizations understand the need to go beyond mere regulatory compliance. They strive for business models that not only drive economic value but also make a positive impact on the environment. The shift toward…

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The Next Wave of Digital Transformation: What Leaders Need to Know

The Current Digital Landscape Today's digital landscape is constantly changing, revolutionizing how businesses and industries operate. Extensive networks, data streams, and state-of-the-art digital technologies are increasingly becoming the foundation of modern operational strategies. The rapid development and widespread adoption of new technologies present both opportunities and challenges for…

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Crisis Management in the Digital Age: Lessons for 2024’s Unpredictable Economy

Understanding the Economic Landscape of 2024 2024 presents us with a complex economic landscape where various challenges intersect. There is friction between globalization and regional autonomy, a conflict between the desire for sustainability and the lure of rapid development, ongoing political uncertainties, and the ever-increasing impact of digital technology. These factors are redefining the…

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Unleashing AI’s Potential: The Imperative of Creative Executive Leadership

In today's digitized business era, where artificial intelligence (AI) continually reshapes industry dynamics, a new breed of executive leadership emerges at the forefront. While AI offers significant advancements, creative thinking executives are poised to unlock its ultimate potential. Let's dive deep into why the C-suite's creative minds have never been more crucial. Understanding the AI…

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Humanizing the Future of Executive Hiring: The Role of People Analytics and AI

Unleashing the Power of Human Intelligence in the Age of AI: The Future of Executive Search Relies on Striking the Perfect Balance. The executive search industry continues to be disrupted. Still, the temptation of easy answers provided by new technologies may lead many firms into the future of disruption without the right balance between technology and a human touch combined. While artificial…

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Diversification Putting Pressure on FinTech Executives

By Vera Sharova & Teodora Cosic Diversification is not a trend; it is essential for companies to become and remain competitive. With technology reshaping the global business landscape, many companies will be pushed to fundamentally reconsider their ways of doing international business, diversifying into new product categories and adopting a “borderless” expansion model. Undoubtedly, this is…

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When a CFO’s “Head In The Cloud” Is a Good Thing

Having a CFO with a "head in the cloud" might be a good thing if we're talking about cloud computing, cognitive technologies, and AI that has significantly influenced this role. The evolutionary path of the Chief Financial Officer continues with assuming the driving seat in companies' digital transformation. Still, although they've come a long way, these professionals face a relatively steep road…

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Leadership Interview: Rethinking The Future of Work

In a recent conversation with Sandile Hlophe, Partner and executive leader with EY-Africa, we discussed some ideas around what the future of work could look like over the next few years.  Even though this interview took place before the COVID-19 pandemic, I still believe the topic will be just as relevant as we emerge from the global disruption.  Leadership Interview Summary JH: I am always…

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Leadership’s Role in Digital Transformation

Do You Need to Hire a Head of Digital Transformation? News Flash: The #1 thing leaders need to understand is that the Digital Transformation train left the station a few years ago. If you weren't on board back then, you need to stop looking for the next train and rapidly go in search of building a rocket ship. Businesses have run out of time to embark on multi-year transformation projects - that…

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N2Growth Helps Businesses Combine Strategy & Innovation for a Consumer-First Approach to Digital Transformation

Digital technology continues to transform both retail and consumer experience. To stay competitive, brands must innovate and transform. That transformation requires adopting new digital technologies in every aspect of the business — from product design and operations to customer service and marketing. Some business leaders eager to keep a competitive advantage often invest in new technologies…

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Investing in Enterprise-wide Security

Does your organization view spending money on information systems security (cybersecurity) as an investment, a financial burden, or an unjustified cost of doing business? Is your security budget directed primarily to the Information Technology (IT) department? Realizing that business operations security is a business issue and not just an IT “thing” has become the new cybersecurity paradigm. This…

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Leadership in Cybersecurity

Defining the position of the lead security person in an enterprise can be a challenging and sometimes confusing task. There are various job titles such as; Chief Security Officer (CSO), Chief Risk Officer, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), V.P., IT Security, V.P., or Director of Information Security. Regardless of titles or functional position, the lead role in a security organization is…

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Digital Transformation Or Digital Free Fall: What Every CEO Must Know

Every organization occupies a unique place on the spectrum of digital transformation. Whether they have an accurate perception or understanding of what that means to their business is the bigger concern. Some see digital as little more than a portfolio of projects or initiatives to be implemented, others as a problem to be solved or an opportunity to be exploited, and yes, there are always those…

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5 Positions Companies Need To Navigate Digital Transformation

“The last 10 years have been about building a world that is mobile-first. In the next 10 years, we will shift to a world that is AI-first.”, Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, October 2016 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at a tipping point, leading a watershed shift to digital intelligence by discovering previously unseen patterns, drawing new inferences, and identifying new relationships from vast…

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