Vision and Leadership

Visioning for CEOs is a topic that I often address on this blog. I don't do so in an attempt to torture you with redundant thought, but rather because I believe it is a message that is often taken far too lightly by chief executives. A CEO's ability to perform effectively is so closely tied to their ability to form a clearly articulated vision, evangelize the vision and then to execute on their…

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Leadership Basics – 5 Keys to Success

I’ve noticed that it’s not an infrequent occurrence to find that even the savviest executives either confuse or misconstrue certain basic leadership ideas. As much as some won't want to admit this, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for leadership. Leadership means different things to different people, and leadership requires different things from different people at different points in time.…

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Leadership is NOT Dodgeball

Leadership today seems to be all too often confused with playing a game of dodgeball. It's as if many leaders show-up for work each day with a freshly applied coat of Teflon, ready to duck and dodge anything that comes their way. Let me be clear - I appreciate savvy and finesse as much as the next person, but not as a substitute for courage. We have too many people in leadership positions who…

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How To Make Great Leadership Decisions

Why do leaders fail? They make bad decisions. And in some cases, they compound bad decision upon bad decision. You cannot separate leadership from decisioning, for like it or not, they are inexorably linked. Put simply, the outcome of a leader's decisions can, and usually will, make or break them. Those leaders who avoid making decisions solely for fear of making a bad decision, or conversely…

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The Downside of Passion

Review any list of positive leadership traits and "passion" will undoubtedly rank near the top - rightly so. In most cases, passion is an asset capable of carrying you through tough times, sharpening your perspective, revealing purpose, and helping you succeed in the face of overwhelming odds. You'll find no shortage of content describing the positive attributes of passion, but few that examine…

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Leadership and Blame

In the world of leadership where the traits of accountability and personal responsibility are so highly regarded, I have one question? What's with all the finger-pointing? One of my pet peeves is coming across leaders who think they're always right, and that any problem or challenge that arises must clearly be the fault of someone else. Here's the thing - as a leader, anything that happens on…

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Leadership is Black and White

I was skimming through headlines this past weekend when a particular title caught my eye - it simply read: "Situational Ethics." Have we really devolved to this level of thinking? Situational Ethics - Really? If ever there was an oxymoron this is it. While this phrase seems to be getting play in some circles, my opinion is that it's nothing more than the latest politically correct sound-bite…

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Greatness & Tragedy

Few things highlight great acts of selflessness and heroism more than tragedy. This weekend's helicopter crash in Afghanistan was a horrific loss for the families of our fallen warriors, but also for our nation as a whole. The men who perished in the crash were in fact our nation's best. They were courageous men who placed service above self, who went places and did things that most of us could…

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Ideas Don’t Equal Innovation

I had a long conversation yesterday with a friend discussing creativity, ideas, innovation, branding, and the like. As a result of our conversation, I decided to dust off an old post, give it a few updates, and pass along my thoughts, which can be best summarized as "Ideas Don't Equal Innovation." It is my hope to help dispel the myth that ideas are inherently good things. Let me state right from…

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Leadership & Toxic Work Environments

I have read a tremendous amount of information over the last several months on the topic of toxic work environments. While these articles tended to stir the pot a bit, they were in my opinion mostly missing the mark. The articles should have been written on the topic of poor leadership. Toxic work environments can only exist where a lack of trust and respect are present, and this can only occur…

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Leadership & Loyalty

Is it just me, or has loyalty become rather scarce these days? Anyone who's been in leadership for any length of time has likely pulled more than a few knives out of their back. There seems to be way too much focus on "me” and not enough focus on “we" these days. In today's post, I'll examine the value of loyalty as it relates to leadership. There have always been those who have fostered trust…

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Leadership and Mentoring

Leadership and mentoring go hand-in-hand. In fact, this is so much the case I don't believe a person qualifies as a leader unless they are a mentor. If you accept this premise as correct, then why is it so many in positions of leadership fall woefully short in successfully transferring the benefits of their wisdom and experience to others? To the chagrin of many reading this post, I believe there…

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Rethinking Good To Great

If you’re a frequent reader of this blog you know from time-to-time I’ll take aim at a sacred cow and pull the trigger. I’ve had issues with some of the concepts contained in Jim Collins's book Good To Great since it was first released. Given the legions of those who have drunk the Good to Great Kool-Aid, I realize today's post might be akin to spitting into the wind. That said, it is nonetheless…

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Leadership and Competition

Competition is only to be feared if not understood. I've always held the belief that competition is not only healthy but it can also be very prosperous if you are in a leadership role. If you really want to understand a leader's perspective on the market, start by asking them about their competition. A leader's view on competition will not only reveal a lot about their beliefs on current and…

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Managing Up? Use Caution.

“Managing Up” is a great catchphrase and an interesting concept – it’s also a practice that can get you in deep trouble rather quickly if misunderstood or misapplied. Many people would say the purpose of managing up is to have the by-product of your efforts enhance the work of those you report to. While I have nothing against this concept (I call it doing your job), I do have a problem with the…

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Defining Great Leadership

With all the attention and emphasis given to leadership, I have a few questions for you: Why is it that so many people refer to themselves as leaders, but truly great leaders are so few in number? How do you measure great leadership? And finally, is there a common thread that distinguishes those viewed as great leaders from the masses of those who hold leadership positions? While you can measure…

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